To contact Essex HypnoCare, Basildon Hypnotherapy - Tel: 07762 929820 or EMail:

How can hypnotherapy help?

Hypnosis in Langdon Hills

Essex HypnoCare; Hypnotherapy in Basildon for positive childbirth
Positive Childbirth
Essex HypnoCare; Hypnotherapy in Basildon for dyslexia
Essex HypnoCare; Hypnotherapy in Basildon for weight control
Weight Control
Essex HypnoCare; Hypnotherapy in Basildon for fears and phobias
Fears and Phobias

Hypnotherapy may be able to help with many everyday human issues including the following:

*"If you think you have tinnitus, go and see your GP.You may need to be referred to an Ear Nose and Throat Specialist or an Audio Vestibular Physcian, who will take a full medical history and provide a through examination". Quoted from: All About Tinnitus. March 2009 British Tinnitus Association. For futher information: Hypnotherapy may help with relaxation therapy and stress managment.

Stop Smoking in Langdon Hills, Basildon, Essex

Why Quit Smoking?

We are all aware of the proven links between smoking and cancer but research also shows that many other medical conditions are negatively affected by smoking and nicotine. More deaths are caused in the UK by smoking tobacco than the combined annual death rates for alcohol abuse, AIDS, drug abuse, suicides, and road traffic accidents.

  • damages the immune system.
  • decreases the sex drive.
  • slows reflexes by constricting blood flow.
  • increases stress levels.
  • causes premature aging, wrinkles, yellow teeth and bad breath.
  • increases the likelihood of menstrual problems.
  • increases the risk of miscarriage and cot death.
  • causes impotence in young men.
  • raises blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
  • kills 312 people every day in the UK.

Still not convinced?

Breslau N [1991] found an increase in major depression and anxiety linked to nicotine dependency. Published: Arch Gen Psychiatry – vol 48, 1991.

Model D [1985] found an increase in premature aging and skin damage resulting in lines, wrinkles and a leathery gray facial appearance, which he called ‘ Smokers Face.’ Published: British Medical Journal 291: 1760-1762.

Smoking also increases the risk of impotence and erectile dysfunction; ASH and BMA studies show approximately 2 million UK men will be affected and of these approx 120,000 will be aged in their 30's and 40's.

Quit smoking** with the help of natural hypnotherapy and all these conditions could improve, including halving the risks of coronary disease and stroke.

Just one 2 hour (approx) session of hypnotherapy could be all it takes to become a natural non-smoker! So contact EssexHypnoCare TODAY and let me help you to change your life forever with the original Award Winning ’Easy Quit Smoking Program’

**As with all therapies for truly effective results client commitment and motivation is required. So if you are committed to making a change hypnotherapy could help, and remember... it is never too late to become a natural non-smoker!

Contact me today to quit smoking in Basildon!
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